Simple and Robust Model Railroad Operations
Modular, Club and Home Layouts
Designed for operations on modular layouts such as Free-mo, club and home layouts of all sizes.
Easy to Use
Designed with modern user interface elements makes the software a joy to use.
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version 5.7.0
Packed with Features
Car types
Flexible equipment types. Autogenerated car codes or use a custom or AAR car type code.
Modules and towns
Easily specify the Modules or Towns on the layout. Add details for each as needed.
The businesses that bring your layout to life. Consignees are the producers and consumers requiring railroad service.
Drop zones
Define track segments where equipment can be loaded or unloaded. Able to define large sidings holding large cuts of cars all the way down to a specific door at a warehouse, and everything in between!
Equipment needs
Consignees requests made for a specific car type to be delivered to a specific drop zone with an optional frequency.
All trains originate and terminate at a Yard. View the storage capacity and expected car types needed to run the layout based on the capacity of the yards.
Define the symbol, origin, destination, length and type of trains. Add a job overview, crew instructions, termination instructions and additional train orders.
Train routes
Train route definition allows for many unique options allowing for crews of all levels. Delivery can be made to all Consignees, specific consignees, or indicate to not send cars to a consignee. Easily label the work with optional "Direction" indicators.
The "script" used by the crew to do their work. Print out designed to be easy to read and carry around while crews do their work. Crew work can be scheduled randomly or using weighted random selection.
Module export/import
Modules can be exported to a standard text based format (json). The exported files can be stored in a central online repository available for import when a new layout is created.